Decade Teams

Decade Teams

The Decade Team award recognises the achievement of a team of horse and rider over an extended period of time which has kept the horse sound and actively competing in endurance.  It acknowledges the commitment of the rider to their horse and to the sport of endurance by continuing to compete over 10 years.

This award also recognises the motto of Australian endurance – to complete is to win – in rewarding the rider and horse for their commitment.


Did you know? 2016 Tom Quilty (TQ) winners Debbie Grull and Lauralyn Notorious are a decade team.
They won the TQ in their 8th year as a team. Both rider and horse achieved their 10th Tom Quilty Completion at TQ22.

The award is provided to the same horse and rider combination and does not recognise a rider singly or a horse singly.  To qualify for this award the horse and rider team must have successfully completed at least one endurance ride (80kms or more) for 10 years.  These 10 years do not need to be consecutive years.

To apply for a Decade team award please download the 2021 Application Form, complete the required details and submit to the AERA Distance Registrar, Jo Bailey at  Applications must be received by 23 March 2023 to be presented at this year’s Tom Quilty. 

You can check the AERA database to see if you appear on the Decade Team list. NB: This might not include historical combinations.

If you do not appear on the Decade Team list, but you have evidence that you have completed 10 years with a horse as a combination, please contact the AERA Registrar.

The AERASpace website maintains an up to date list of all known Decade Teams, dating back to the 80s.

You can view the list of Decade Teams, here.