AERA president Linda Tanian last week submitted her resignation as AERA President to the AERA management committee. The committee, who met today, has reluctantly accepted her resignation.
Linda’s contribution to AERA, since her appointment to the AERA management committee four years ago and, in particular, her election as President two years ago, has been immense. Under her guidance and leadership, the organisation has revamped the AERA website, tightened up its governance significantly and has recently implemented the initial incarnation of AERAonline, a platform that has the potential to greatly streamline the activities of AERA, its member associations and endurance clubs around the country. Linda has agreed to continue as a member of the AERA Database Sub-Committee to continue this development work.
The AERA management committee is sad to see her go but accepts that it is always necessary for people to move on when the time is right.
Tasmanian Mark Dunn, the former AERA Vice President, was today elected as the new AERA President. Dick Collyer has accepted appointment as AERA Vice President.
Mark paid tribute to Linda at today’s AERA management committee meeting.
‘Linda’s contribution to the work of AERA has positioned it well to oversee the further development and growth of the discipline of equine endurance riding in this country. AERA is grateful for her efforts and wishes her well for the future. ’
Kim Moir
Australian Endurance Riders Association